Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Lubbock, TX

Stop suffering from PD alone and have better control of your sexual health with Peyronie’s disease treatment in Lubbock.

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment is available at Owen Health Group in Lubbock, TX.

Peyronie’s disease (PD) is a connective tissue disorder that results in penile deformity or curving. Scar tissue (called plaque) forms under the skin of the penis, causing it to curve or bend, causing painful erections, and potentially making sexual contact painful, difficult, or impossible.

Approximately 0.5% of adult males have been diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease in the US. The Owen Health Group in Lubbock, TX, provides Peyronie’s disease treatment to relieve symptoms associated with PD and preserve erectile function.

Don’t let PD keep you and your partner from being physically intimate and having fun. Let us help you with our Peyronie’s disease treatment in Lubbock.

You don’t have to suffer from Peyronie’s disease alone. If you live in Lubbock, we offer safe and effective treatments that will help you feel better faster and regain control over your sexual health.

Benefits of Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Lubbock

If left untreated, Peyronie’s disease may result in sexual dysfunction. Peyronie’s disease treatment is here to improve your sexual health!

There are so many advantages to Peyronie’s disease treatment, such as:

  • Reduced pain – PD treatment in Lubbock may include shockwave therapy directed at the plaque to reduce plaque size and reduce pain.
  • Improves sexual health – Having Peyronie’s disease disrupts one’s sexual health. PD treatment addresses the root cause of PD, which results in enhanced sexual performance and libido.
  • Improved sense of well-being – Having PD can cause anxiety, frustration, and depression in men. PD treatment in Lubbock alleviates the anxiety and depression of men with PD.
  • Non-surgical – Our PD treatments are non-surgical! Even though surgical therapies can be more effective, they are painful, require significant downtime, and have serious complications.
  • Drug-free – PD treatment does not require medications. Say goodbye to drugs with bad side effects that can’t be combined with other medicines for diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure.

How Does Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Lubbock Work?

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Lubbock TXOne of our core values at Owen Health Group in Lubbock, TX, is understanding that Peyronie’s disease affects male patients differently and may not have the same symptoms or wellness goals.

You don’t have to suffer from Peyronie’s Disease alone. The treatments we provide for Peyronie’s Disease in Lubbock can quickly help you start feeling better.

The efficacy and invasiveness of our treatment options vary, and our doctors will recommend the best treatment option for you.

We can treat Peyronie’s disease with shockwave therapy by targeting the root cause, which is plaque formation on the tissue. Shockwave therapy uses focused sound wave energy into the penis, resulting in scar tissue breakdown. The result is improved and pain-free erections! This is an entirely drug-free treatment and has few or no side effects.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy and the latest breakthroughs in cell research are incorporated into the P Shot. The P Shot uses platelets from your blood. Your platelets are separated from your blood using a centrifuge after drawing a blood sample. PRP is then injected into the areas where plaque has formed. Growth factors in PRP will aid in regenerating tissue and dissolving plaque.

Our team at Owen Health Group will develop a customized Peyronie’s Disease treatment program tailored to your needs and supervised by a medical professional. Our Peyronie’s Disease treatments provide transformative results and will be tailored to your needs. Our treatment plan targets the root cause of PD and improves your sexual health.

Signs You Need Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Lubbock

It is still unclear what constitutes a risk factor for developing Peyronie’s disease. We are determined to help you feel better by treating the root cause of PD. We aim to find out what is causing this issue for you, not to try to hide it from you.

You most likely are suffering from Peyronie’s disease if you experience more than one of the following:

  • Scar tissue on the penis
  • Hard lumps on one or more sides of the penis
  • Painful or difficult erections
  • Changes in the shape of the penis
  • Bend in the penis with or without an erection

Don’t let Peyronie’s disease disrupt your life significantly. Our Peyronie’s disease treatment options are safe and effective in alleviating symptoms associated with PD.

What to Expect After Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Lubbock?

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Lubbock TXTake the first step towards being a better and healthier version of yourself with Peyronie’s disease treatment in Lubbock.

During your appointment with Owen Health Group in Lubbock, you will receive a consultation with our doctors so they can carefully evaluate your symptoms and family and medical histories.

You can also discuss your health goals and preferences. Diagnostic tests will be conducted based on your signs and symptoms to develop an accurate diagnosis and understand how you are doing.

We recognize that Peyronie’s disease affects male patients differently, so we do not employ cookie-cutter solutions. Our team of experts at Owen Health Group in Lubbock, TX, will provide a unique Peyronie’s disease treatment plan tailored to your needs. Our goal is to give you the best solutions to alleviate PD symptoms so you can regain your sexual health!

Enjoy an Active Sex Life with Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Lubbock

Peyronie’s disease can hamper your daily life and your sexual health. You don’t need to suffer from Peyronie’s disease alone. Our Peyronie’s disease treatment aims to treat the root cause of PD and improve your sexual life.

Owen Health Group in Lubbock, TX, aims to provide exemplary patient care for residents in West Texas. We provide services related to family medicine, men’s and women’s health and sexual health, and regenerative medicine. Our clinic also offers cosmetic services to address skincare needs.

See what our program can do for you and your sex life! Contact Owen Health Group today at 806-749-7975 to schedule a consultation.

Common Questions About Peyronie’s Disease Treatment

What is Peyronie’s disease?

Peyronie’s disease is a condition in which scar tissue (called plaque) forms under the skin of the penis. Consequently, the penis may curve or bend, causing painful erections and potentially making sexual contact painful, difficult, or impossible.

What causes Peyronie’s disease?

There is no known cause of Peyronie’s disease. Occasionally, men develop it after sustaining an injury to their penis, resulting in scar tissue development. In most cases, people with Peyronie’s disease cannot pinpoint a specific incident that caused it. It can also be hereditary. At Owen Health Group in Lubbock, we aim to target the root cause of Peyronie’s disease so we can provide you with the most suitable Peyronie’s disease treatment plan.

What happens if Peyronie’s disease is left untreated?

Untreated PD can cause other problems. PD can lead to fibrotic thickening, which causes more pain. If left untreated, the problem can also cause structural abnormalities and loss of function of the penis.

How is Peyronie’s disease treatment?

Some cases of PD may go away on their own without causing lasting changes. However, untreated PD can have damaging effects. At Owen Health Group in Lubbock, we aim to target the root cause of Peyronie’s disease so we can provide you with the most suitable treatment plan.

Is the P-Shot right for me?

P-Shot is an excellent Peyronie’s disease treatment. It encourages tissue growth and dissolution of the plaque in the penis, which alleviates the pain and curvature.

How often can I get shockwave therapy as a Peyronie’s disease treatment?

Peyronie’s disease treatment via shockwave therapy is a quick procedure that takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes. It is usually administered approximately once or twice a week for six to eight weeks, depending on your symptoms and condition.

Is shockwave therapy as a Peyronie’s disease treatment painful?

The answer is no. At Owen Health Group we use a focused shockwave machine, which is painless – it does not even require numbing cream.